- 清空播放記錄
- 大號慕斯:"You ARE in the ocean"
- 王小詩:綜合了第一部的時間旅行,馬丁的任務(wù)也更加驚險有趣,感覺比第一部更好
- 晨情諾坎普: broke me. I mean, Amy was flawed, she made a lot of her own decisions, but she was fighting against things that were simply too big and terrible, and all her extraordinary talent and heart could not help her, her friends could not save her, her parents and p.o.s ex-husband held her back, and the world laughed until it was too late.
- 一只辣:那個時候的電影是真好看
- 面包頭:全程罵她爹和渣老公。總自詡是爵士樂迷,她的歌卻聽得不多,Rehab作老媽來電鈴聲已有兩三年,得換,再聽不得,聽了心疼