- 清空播放記錄
- Momo賢:馬麗以后別毀自己了好不好?
- 你要一直陪著我: Bennett真的有種渾然天成的土味美感。三代人的穿插剪輯設計的很好,但最后怎么又變成了美國夢那一套...這片子的潛力不止于此,也不應于此。
- 摩天輪coffee:真的只是路人,沒有尬黑
- 五月立夏: road from here to there is rocky, there’s no way around but through. Where we come from is who we are, but we choose every day who we become. My family is not perfect, but they made me who I am, and gave me chances they never had. My future whatever it is, is our shared legacy.
- 愛慕肚滑:這是搞笑嗎?都是白癡!欠錢不還還有理?為什么要配音,今年看過的最爛的片!一星都不值!??!以后看新電影還是要先看看評分的?。。?/div>