- 清空播放記錄

- 蟑螂二爸:“Yeah, well, what are you gonna do? Life’s a bitch and then you die, right?” / “Sometimes. Sometimes life’s a bitch and then you keep living.” / “Yeah.”
- 再不減肥要死了:挺有意思,女主無疑是幸福的,有那么一對父母,和一個一直懂她的人
- 風(fēng)它不肯說:馬男系列真的是all-time favorite了。The things that matter? The truth is none of it matters, and the truth is it all matters tremendously. It’s a wonder any of us ever get out of bad at all. And yet, we get out of bed.
- 黃油西多土:顏狗斯哈斯哈! 故事蠻有意思的
- 法莉妲絲:我們相逢在這黑夜的海上