- 清空播放記錄
- 喵嗚日常: it over? Goodbye。
- 瑾色ペ殘年:亂七八糟。 女主神似米拉喬沃維奇,估計是呂克貝松喜歡的類型。。。
- 遲暮作歌:每個人都有無法直面人生想死而沒有死成的時時刻刻
- 靜思書屋:喜歡Harvey ~ 好討厭小麥在兩個女人中間搖擺,Jenny 說的對“you can't get both !”
- 云凌漫步: Leonard, to look life in the face,always to look life in the face. To know what,for what it is. And last to know it,to love it for what it is. And then, to put it away. Leonard, always the years between us,always the years, always the love, always the hours...